How to make kitchari (kitchadi)

Here is a really well-done video that shows you how to make Kitchari. It's India's version of chicken soup on a cold day. It's made for children, for when you're sick, and it's wonderful when you grow old. It's also
the main staple during an Ayurvedic cleanse.

Kitchari (or Kitchadi, depending on how you choose to spell it) means the mixture of a grain with a bean. Kitchari is like a gruel, and it's very easy to digest, and a main staple of a Spring or Fall Ayurvedic cleanse, or panchakarma. Maya Tiwari states in, Ayurveda, A Life of Balance, "A mono-diet of kitchadi is recommended for anyone receiving panchakarma, Ayurvedic cleansing therapy, since it facilitates the cleansing process.

There are two seasons of the year when our bodies benefit from a cleanse: Spring and Fall. Ideally, the best time to do a 20-day Springtime cleanse is 10 days before the Spring equinox and 10 days following. One day, I trust I'll have the restored vitality and consistent strength to put together a full explanation and workshop of a full cleanse. For now, I hope you'll find this video and others helpful.

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